V518 : Ultra!Ultra! Tour
Collaborative audio-visual project initiated by Vladimír518 for his “Ultra!Ultra!” Album Tour with lots of interesting technology used onstage as wearable LEDs, kinetic lighting object, lasers or stereoscopic visuals
My part was creating a realtime generative visuals for the stereoscopic projection triggered from stage via midi and generating realtime kinect pointclouds. The screen size changed on every gig so the realtime video system allowed the stereoscopic camera settings to be adapted
Concept: V518
Featuring: V518, Orion, MikeT, Maniak, Yzomandias, NikTendo
Production: Bigboss, Lunchmeat Studio
Visuals: Lukáš Dřevjaný (oxoo), David Vrbík, Jakub Pešek
Lights: Patrik Sedlák
Lasers: David Vrbík
Stereoscopy advisor: Jan Buriánek
Photos: Lukáš Wagneter